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Review: "Crashing Back Down" by Kristen Mazolla

Title: Crashing Back Down

Author: Kristen Hope Mazzola

Rating: ***** 5 Stars


After hearin non stop things about this book from my gf I finally found some time and gave it a chance. I dont really read other reviews or anythin when i start readin so I had no idea what i was gettin myself into. The first thing I noticed about this book was how sad it was. I actually had to stop readin it on breaks at work because it was depressing me. I think that was the point tho considering the subject matter. It was written well tho, the pain that she feels, I got it. It made sense an I had moments where i wanted to pound on someone just so the girl would feel better. Walker was a strong character and one that I think worked for her. Bein a guy, i worry that women won't write us right or they'll use their own judgements and stuff to make us appear softer than we are but Walker was a tight character. He reminds me of me a bit. I can definitely fan dude over Walker. This was solid. Im not a romance guy but shit, i wanted it by the end. u know what I didnt want? That bombshell shit at the end. ugh. it was freakin brilliant but shit come on. I wanted a hea so bad by the time the book was near its end that I feel ripped off now. lol. Theres a second book tho so least i got that to look forward to. better be a happy endin tho or im gonna have words with the author. lol The only thing i had a hard time gettin past was the drinking. I drink, shit we all drink at some point but there was a lot of here and sometimes it seemed a little unbelieveable. not bad or anythin, just a bit much, even for me. i might not have put as much of that in as the author did but this is why i dont write. loved this book. want book 2. that's it. if u havent read it. read it. its that simple.

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