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Review: "Hold Onto Me (Before The Light #1)" by Melyssa Winchester

Title: Hold Onto Me

Author: Melyssa Winchester

Rating: ***** 5 Stars


Your first look at the archangel Michael appears in the Love United series but other than a few pieces of background information placed at certain parts in those stories, you don’t really get to know much about him.

The things you do learn make u want to know more, which is the reason this book happened. People wanted to know how the beloved bond from that series worked with Michael and just how him and his beloved Faith came to be what they are.

And this is what Hold Onto Me is all about. What sets them apart from what his brother Gabriel shared with Serenity and also how it was similar.

This is a shorter read than all of those other books but no less interesting. The author could have easily skimped on a lot but I think she did give us what she claimed. We got to see how Michael fell in love with Faith.

Michael is one of my favorite characters from the previous series and the way he was in those, it was ten times worse here. He was the angel version of a jerk but in a really cool way. He wasn’t an asshole. He was real in a supernatural world.

Faith seemed very human to me and seemed to be the opposite of the other ball of light we learned about, Serenity. Where Serenity seemed to keep a lot of her feelings to herself, Faith put them out there and didn’t care who heard them. She was the perfect match for Michael even though the stubborn bastard figured her more for his brother through the entire thing.

Sacrifices are made, battles are started but most of all, two supernatural beings with a whole lot of power and light between them fall in love and I found out that I like Michael even more than I did before.

This series is a set of beginnings for characters from Love United so you might wanna check those out first but its not needed to enjoy this since this is where it all started.

Not much of a believer in angels but this author could change my mind if she keeps writing them this way.

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