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Interview with Melyssa Winchester, Author of "Count On Me"

Interview with Author Melyssa Winchester

Every few months I like to sit down and ask Melyssa Winchester questions about her writing. Most of the time they're one off and hilarious questions, one's meant to make her laugh and anyone who reads it laugh. This time was completely different. This wasn't about laughter, this was about keeping it real. So below is the results of that interview. -Joey

Interview With Melyssa Winchester

  • Why did you choose to write a book (Count On Me) focused on bullying that centered around autism and abuse?

Answer: At the time it was because for me personally, I’d never seen it done. That’s not to say that there wasn’t books out there that dealt with those issues because there are a lot of them. I just hadn’t come across any in my travels, though I might not have been looking too hard either. Count On Me was an idea that wouldn’t leave me alone until I ran with it. For me it just had to be done. I don’t think enough attention is paid to autism, bullying and abuse in its many forms and I wanted to be a voice, even if it was done in a fictional manner. I also wanted to do it in a respectful way because these issues are not easy.

  • You’ve said before that the book is based on your experiences with autism, can you tell us more about that?

Answer: Count On Me came to life because of my daughter Isabella. If it wasn’t for her specifically, this book wouldn’t have been written at all, at least not by me. Every step she takes as she grows, having this diagnosis, good and bad, I wanted to show the world. There are a lot of fictional elements of course. I mean Isabelle was a play on her name and some of what she experienced she is still too young to have gone through herself, but the reality is all there. Bullying like what Belle suffers is REAL. It’s been documented in a public forum (news etc). Her diagnosis and the traits she displays are all very real facets of my wonderful little girl, but magnified and twisted to fit better in a fictional setting. The idea itself, at least the love story angle, was sparked because of a picture her teacher gave me of her and a boy named Kayden in her class. I saw that and a story demanded to be told.

  • What has the response been so far to Count On Me and what is your reaction?

Answer: The response to the story has truly touched my heart. It’s been all over the place in terms of reaction. I mean people will love or hate anything. You can’t please every person all the time. Writing and reading are subjective things, but for the most part, it’s been heartwarming, humbling and just awe inspiring to see how this book is being received. People that remain silent, locked in their own private struggle with this disorder are speaking out about their own stories and roads they’ve taken and I think doing that, it strengthens us all in the long run. The more that is said about the struggles in the book, the more awareness is brought to the surface and the more acceptance we can breed. That’s my ultimate goal.

  • You chose underground fighting for the followup story Hear Me Now? What sparked that?

Answer: The news depresses me a lot, so I tend not to watch it very often. There was this one instance where I chose to sit down and watch and it was from there that the idea sparked and came to life. It’s a very real thing, both above ground and underground. There are kids out there that are being forced into these situations and ones that choose to do it because they haven’t been shown any other way and it’s a release of sorts. I wanted to bring attention to it, how wrong it is and maybe get a dialogue going, same as I did with Count On Me. It was a touchy subject and one that’s been referred to as unrealistic since the book released, but it’s very real and it’s sad. I get why people see it that way though, because you don’t wanna believe something that horrifying can actually happen. The world is a scary place. Hence why the news isn’t my thing. It’s almost too real.

  • The lead character in Hear Me Now is deaf. What made you choose a character like that and what went into making Cadence the person she was?

Answer: I’ve known a few deaf people in my life, but the choice to make Cadence deaf was a purely fictional one. She is by all rights the one character in all of these books that was written from a purely fictional standpoint, other than her attitude and strength. That was very real. I wanted to display a different angle yet one similar to Count On Me in that disabilities, no matter what they are, do not make someone less. They’re different, but definitely not less. Dillon Murphy was and is a very powerful asshole. He won’t change his spots overnight and I needed a character strong enough to handle that. Belle, for all her amazing qualities couldn’t have done it, so that meant it fell to someone that acted, reacted and was different. Cadence is THE ONLY person on the planet that can tame the beast that is Dillon. She is my special little badass.

  • You have a release coming out on your birthday. Why that day? Is it significant?

Answer: I do have a book on my birthday and no, it’s not really significant other than that the characters and their struggles are extremely personal and real to me. They come from a very real place, but that’s as significant as the day is. Count On Me released on Isabella’s birthday because it was primarily my story for her but this one comes just because I wanted to do something so badass. Now it’s gonna be an anniversary and a birthday rolled into one. I mean how epic is that? lol

  • Take Me With You deals again with autism but from a different angle. What made you want to delve into that?

Answer: Autism is a part of my life. It will be a part of my life for the rest of my life, in three different forms. Asperger’s Syndrome, even though it’s different for everyone that experiences it is a real part of my daily existence and the raising of my kids and I wanted that to be shown the same as I did with Belle in Count On Me. While Eric and Belle are very similar, you’re also going to see with this book how they’re different and how again, they’re not less. This book like Count On Me comes from real life and there were times writing this one where it became too real for me and I had to walk away and I think it translates well on the pages. If the writer can barely get through it without feeling, it’s my hope that readers are the same. Maybe we can spark something and make true acceptance reality.

  • You’ve spoken openly about Take Me With You needing a disclaimer and an author’s note based on the material within the pages. Can you give more detail about that and what issues you’re tackling besides autism and why you chose to do it?

Answer: This was the hardest book I have ever had to write and even now that it’s done I’m struggling with making sure there are warnings and disclaimers and author’s notes because I want to be sure that anyone experiencing what these characters go through have a safe place they can fall ya know? These are touchy subjects. Hot button issues and the last thing I want to do with anything I write is offend or hurt someone. It’s the opposite really. I want the world knowing they aren’t alone and more focus to be shined so that we can stop living in silence. I handle sexual abuse, self-harm and mild bullying in this book. None of that is easy AT ALL. It’s my hope though that I handled it all with the dignity it deserves.

  • Where you get inspiration for your stories?

Answer: The sun, the moon, the stars….LOL No. Seriously, it’s life. My paranormal series even though it’s primarily fantasy is based in real life experiences too. Loss, Love, Redemption, Change. It’s all things that I experience in life that I want to share with the world. All of my inspiration comes from my children and life in general. It also might have something to do with my obsession with happily ever after and love too.

  • What is your stance on marketing? It’s been shown that you’re not as vocal as others in terms of promoting your work, choosing instead to take a more laidback approach. Why is that?

Answer: I promote. I do. I just don’t do it obsessively. Look, my work is gonna speak for itself. Word of mouth is always going to be the best marketing in the world so I rely on that a lot more than I do pushing my book in groups or twitter etc. I suck at that lol. It works for a lot of authors that way and I don’t fault them for it, but it’s just not my thing. It also might help that I suck at all things marketing related. I can sit at a screen and write until my hands bleed, but finding the right combination of words to sell myself, or rather the body of work, it’s tough as nails, like pulling teeth so I tend to remain laidback and let the work speak more for itself.

  • What’s on the horizon next for you?

Answer: A break? LOL. Honestly, I’ve got more Kayden and Belle coming, more Dillon and Cadence (because he won’t shut up in my head) and also a standalone title that features a character from Kayden and Belle’s continued story. There’s also a contemporary Christian novel titled Untangle Me (because I won’t be stuck in 1 genre forever) and Shades of Blue. There also might be more Lucifer too, but not for a while. I need a break from the fallen angel even if I love him. You see now why I said I needed a break?

  • You’ve managed to become an Amazon Bestselling Author for Count On Me, Hear Me Now and My Heaven. What has your reaction been to that? Was it a dream to accomplish?

Answer: I still think I’m dreaming that. I have a hard time believing it’s real. I literally squealed and we had a Winchester dance party in this house every time it happened. It does my heart good and my kids good to see their mom losing her mind over something so awesome as to be a bestselling author. It’s not what I was going for when I made the decision to self-publish last year. It had no bearing on it whatsoever and I don’t think it ever will. You want your work to reach the masses, but when that becomes the only reason you’re writing, you’re losing focus. I am thankful each and every day for it though because that happening means the messages in my books are getting out there into the world and maybe, I can live my other dream while I’m living this dream. Changing the world. Being the change I want to see.

  • Your characters in all of your novels have been flawed where in other books on the market, there seems to be a trend of making an almost perfect man or woman as a lead character. Have you ever toyed with the idea of creating a book like that and if not, why do you choose to make your characters the way you do?

Answer: I love magical romance. I love a guy that is just inherently perfect right from the start and remains that way through the entire story. That’s not say he’s not flawed, but he’s just swoon worthy. I live for that kind of thing because it’s my escape from the real world. When I write, I write flawed better. I have a thing for redeeming dickheads. So a lot of my characters are tortured souls. I wrote the devil for crying out loud. It doesn’t get more tortured than that. We’re all flawed, every single one of us, some more than others, but why I choose to make them the way I do, it’s because I can facilitate a change. I see the best in everything, so taking a broken character and making them whole through change and growth, it’s the best thing in the world for me. It’s also why I love those other styles so much because I can escape my own agony while I’m writing by falling in love with the perfect guy. LOL

  • Who are some of the authors you can’t get enough of?

Answer: There’s a lot of them. I have the ones that influenced me to get me where I am, and then I have the fantastic ones I’ve met since taking the plunge and the feeling I have for all of them is the exact same. It started with Abbi Glines, Tammara Webber and Jessica Sorensen, and then in my travels, became Pamela Sparkman, Theresa Troutman, Jennifer Weiser, Ryan Ringbloom, Kristen Mazzola and Mia Sheridan. I cannot say enough good things about all of these ladies. I will also support them and market them more than I do myself because pushing someone else is sooo incredibly easy, especially when you love the books they produce as much as I do. So if you want to read amazing books by amazing authors, here’s your list.

  • Any final words to fans, friends, family or anyone else who might be reading this?

Answer: I love you all. Love or hate my books, I value each and every review and opinion given and I will tell you as much to your face if given the chance. Taking the chance and buying the book alone, you’ve earned my undying love and gratitude. YOU are all why I am able to do this and why I love doing it even more than I did at the start. I wouldn’t be Melyssa Winchester the published author if it wasn’t for all of your love, support, and words. So whenever you think you’re not appreciated, I’m here to kick you in the butt and remind you that you are.

PS: Thank you for reading this insane novel like interview. You’re the best!


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